Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Hr Practice in Gp
Culturally compatible HR strategy in Grameenphone Ltd. SUBMITTED TO: Mr. A K M Mominul Haque Talukdar (MHT), Faculty Member, School of Business, North South University. SUBMITTED BY: Group – 3 Section-1 HRM-480 NameID # A K M YunusMony053 361 030 M Sabbir Hassan061 390 030 M Tajvir Abbas061 392 030 M Khayruzzaman061 628 030 Nastashea Nadia Mollika062 535 030 ShefaetulHoqueBhuiyan071 022 030 Refath E Islam072 600 030 SUBMISSION DATE: 30th March, 2010 LETTER OF TRANSMITAL 30th of March, 2010 Mr. A K M Mominul Haque Talukdar (MHT) Faculty Member, School of Business, North South University, Dhaka. Subject: Submission of HRM480 report Dear Sir, In the following pages, we have done our report titled â€Å"Culturally compatible HR strategy in Grameenphone Ltd. †as HRM480 course requirement. We have enjoyed preparing the project. In preparing this project, we have tried our level best to include all the relevant information and tried to identify different problems. As we are beginner, we may make some mistakes. If you consider our mistakes as pardonable, we will be very pleased and it will be very helpful for our future career. Sincerely Yours- Members of group # 3 Section-1 HRM-480 NameID #Signature A K M YunusMony053 361 030â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ M Sabbir Hassan061 390 030â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ M Tajvir Abbas061 392 030â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ M Khayruzzaman061 628 030â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Nastashea Nadia Mollika062 535 030â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ ShefaetulHoqueBhuiyan071 022 030â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Refath E Islam072 600 030â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Acknowledgment This project has been an eye-opener for us and we have been fortunate to have the support, assistance and encouragement of a number of individuals while preparing this report, without their support it would be hard to complete this study. We express our sincere gratitude to our Institutional Supervisor Mr. A K M Mominul Haque Talukdar (MHT), Lecturer, School of Business, North South University, Dhaka for guiding us in completing this study. His words of wisdom will always be remembered, and we are convinced that the knowledge of Strategic HRM that he has imparted would go a long way through our professional career. Secondly, we are also obliged to M Sabbir Hassan, Grameenphone Ltd. for his valuable time and providing us with the important information. He also shared with us necessary organization structural facts. We will also thank the other employees of Grameenphone Ltd. or sparing their time from work and filling out our questionnaires, which helped us to analyze our project. Our thanks also goes to the team members whose unflagging capacity for creative work and long hours made the project successful – under the pressure of deadlines. This report is successfully completed by our entire group member’s extreme effort. It was not possible for a single person to make the project successful. Moreover we would like to disclose our deepest esteem and gratefulness for our faculty, Mr. A K M Mominul Haque Talukder, for his extended helping hand and mentorship. To oc INTRODUCTION Our group (Group – 3) was assigned to select a company and evaluate it in terms of its cultural compatibility of HR issues which we researched on Grameenphone Ltd. Mr. AKM Mominul Haque Talukder, our faculty for this HRM480 course, has provided us with the opportunity to learn more about this topic through this project, which will eventually help us, understand how these things work in the real world. Through the extensive research this project required, we have gathered a lot of practical experience and have been able to identify such things in real life rather than just reading from a book. We are also grateful to Grameenphone Ltd. for allowing us to conduct such a survey about their organization. The research work started with us distributing questionnaires to 60 employees of Grameenphone Ltd. The questionnaires contained 2 dependent variables and 5 independent variables for analysis. Each variable consisted of 5 questions, with options available for answering. Once the data were collected from Grameenphone Ltd, we entered them into the SPSS software. The software provided us with various tables such as ANOVA, etc. and graphs such as Regression line, etc. All these helped us work out the analysis part. Our main objective was to find out whether Grameenphone Ltd. could carry out their organizational culture efficiency or not. The project was not just something that we had to do for class. This was something that provided us with knowledge and skills which would help us for years to come. Since we are the future managers of this country, we must learn to carry out such practices such as cultural practices with utmost efficiency. Choosing and hiring candidates is something which not only affects the organization but also the economy as a whole. The choosing of actually talented individuals gives hope to us all. It gives us the drive we need in order to work hard and make life seem fair. ? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In order to find secure and best possible results regarding culturally compatible HR strategy, our team worked out a pattern which was both logical and sequential. The mission of our group and this project work was to analyze the way the employees of Grameenphone Ltd, think and feel and how these in turn affect the organization as a whole. Therefore, it was required of us to come up with a questionnaire and we have done so in such a way that would help us explore their perceptions and ideologies. All the information has been transformed into usable data which can be referred to in order to better understand their organizational culture and recruitment patters. Due to our experience with courses such as ECO 172, ECO 173, etc and also from the courses of MGT321, MGT351, HRM370, and HRM410 with our faculty Mr. A K M Mominul Haque Talukder, it was possible for us to round up this project successfully. Data analysis is something which is going to help us in the future by helping us truly understand situations and perspectives that make up an organization. This process started with us selecting 60 employees from different parts of the organization to fill in the questionnaire. We then converted those data into the SPSS database for further analysis. Before doing so, we had to first become familiar with the usage of the SPSS software, which was somewhat complicated. Also, it was slightly tricky to get the selected people to answer all questions in the questionnaire, for various reasons including the fact that some of them did not want to be too honest while some had trouble interpreting the meanings of the questions. The raw data collected was used for reliability tests to ensure its accuracy. In order to make the data usable for later stages, data reduction techniques had to be applied. Once the data had been approved, it was used for linear regression analysis and graphical representation of the regression analysis. Thus, eventually it was possible to understand and compare and contrast the perceptions of the different employees in a place such as AB Bank. The regression analysis provided Fcalc values which were compared to the F table. This is something that helps analyze and make decisions regarding whether to accept or reject the various relationships. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY As a business expectative in future, we should have to gather experience beside our survey. We should not concern our lesson only in classroom but to implement it in practical life that will help us in our future life. A clear objective helps in preparation of well decorated report in order to take the right type of decision. So, identifying objectives is very much important. Our purpose of preparing the report is: Understanding the inter-organizational culture. Understanding the link between HR strategies with organizational culture. Evaluate the factors that affect strategic human resource management to learn the knowledge about the factors which are ultimately affecting strategic HRM. To understand real aspects of strategic HRM from staffing to top-managerial decisions. To understand the link between some important HR issues like communication, staffing and development, internal philosophy, flexibility job structure, performance management, with customer satisfaction and retention management. It is common knowledge that the compatibility of culture with Strategic HRM is one of the most basic and important functions of an organization. Unless a company is able to make a good cultural environment for strategic HR to an organization, all its stakeholders and employees will eventually suffer, which might be a result of dissatisfaction of customers as well. It is important for us to identify the seriousness of this function which is taken up by the HRM department. As future managers of this country, we must understand the pros and cons of every single action which is implemented during the recruitment process. Grameenphone Ltd. has provided us with a platform to study their culturally compatible HR strategy. We thank them for this opportunity which will help us gain first-hand experience and understanding of these things. The employees at Grameenphone Ltd. have been gracious enough to answer our questions in the questionnaires we provided them with. Some of the questions may have been slightly intruding, but that is the whole point of the research – to find out the employees’ true thoughts and feelings towards their cultural compatibility with their HR strategy. We hope to shed light on the various good things, and perhaps on some level of mismanagement going on at Grameenphone Ltd. nd their organizational culture with their HR strategy. The result of this research can help enhance all the good things going on in the organization, and also bring about opportunities to fix those things that may be wrong with it. After all, an organization is nothing without the people who keep it going. ? METHODOLOGY Methods of data collection: Methodology is the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline or a particular procedure or set of procedures. It consists of both primary and secondary data. Primary data collection: We had to collect information from 60 employees of Grameenphone Ltd. We also had collect from three different branches that took us about 5 days. To collect the required information we made a questionnaire (given above) filled with questions related to choosing and hiring candidates , which would help us to understand how the HR mangers and senior while calling on for interview assess the raw test score, competencies, analytical skills, etc and average the whole result . They then check out family background, drug test, and criminal record etc and then hire the candidate. Hence, to collect this information we had to take an appointment with the Md. Bajlul Huda, Manager, Grameenphone Ltd. and went to the office accordingly. When we reached there we first brief him about our whole assignment as well as the questionnaire. He was very helpful with the whole task and assigned us with one of his Division Manager who took us to different level of the office and introduce to their sub-ordinates. We tried to survey all the dept. available in the office like the Finance Director, the HR dept. head, the Marketing Director and the Managing Dept. We divided our group members and each of us took some employees at a time to be available to them while they were filling up the questionnaire in order to answer to their queries. While filling some had little delusion on hr terms which we as a team need to elaborate the process of each term. And in that way it was also easier for us to collect all the correct required data as we were talking to only 1 employee at a time. And after they filled out the questionnaire we took their visiting cards along with their designation and stapled it to their papers. SECONDARY DATA: The raw data collected was then used for reliability tests to ensure its accuracy. Depending on the accuracy we had to implement data reduction using certain factors making the data usable for later stages. The approved data was then used for linear regression analysis and the obtaining graphical representation of the regression analysis. We then came up with relationships of the employee perceptions and various decision making criteria that are found in the daily working environment in an organization like Grameenphone Ltd. The regression analysis provided us with Fcalc values which were compared to the F table; which assisted us in deciding whether to accept or reject the relation between the various relationships we formed previously. ? LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY As we have to make a report on the ‘Culturally compatible HR strategy’ practices of Grameenphone Limited by meeting a survey, we were really unable to collect enough information due to their official restrictions. These restrictions could not be eliminated without seeming offensive or intrusive. Many things were so confidential that we were we could not gain access to them. Thus, we had to conduct our analysis on whatever information we could gather, which was not enough. At the very beginning, we had a lot of difficulties in collecting information from the employees. Most employees were reluctant to fill up the questionnaire we prepared for them to fill up. Perhaps some of the questions made them uncomfortable, or perhaps they just did not have time. However, there was no reason to feel uncomfortable since the questionnaires were meant to be filled anonymously. We had to convince most of them to fill them up. Finally we could convince 50 employees to fill up the forms. Some of them didn’t tick all the answers and some ticked random answers without understanding the questions, or not even reading them properly. So, while studying the filled up questionnaires, we had a lot of complications in analyzing the data. The questionnaires prepared by us contained a lot of technical terms, which were comprehensible only to people who were familiar with HRM terminologies. Conditions like these created a lot of problems for the personnel filling he questionnaires, and they often asked us questions regarding what the question meant. It seemed like some of them found it extremely hard to truly understand the meanings of some of the questions. As we had to entertain a lot of queries at the same time, we were unable to allocate equal time and attention to everyone. This was purely unintentional, but it may have led to misinterpretation from our side towards the employees. While working on the filled up questionnaires we faced quite a number of problems, which prevented us from obtaining results of optimum accuracy. As we had to use SPSS software, we faced compatibility problem on SPSS with windows Vista and windows 7. We also encountered a few other minor problems during the primary data collection and while interpreting the data. Beside this we have faced the following hindrances in preparing this report: Lack of knowledge and experience regarding subject matter of employees filling the questionnaire. Shortage of time. Lack of sufficient privileges. Lack of communication facilities. Difficulty in getting an appointment. SPSS software compatibility problem with windows Vista and windows 7. The survey report focuses Cultural compatible HR strategy in Grameenphone Ltd. The survey may not be more comparable or more valid due to our lack of knowledge and experience regarding statistical data handling and interpretations. Also, it should be mentioned that we had trouble working out on the relationships between the various dependent and independent variables. ? COMPANY PROFILE Grameenphone, widely known as GP, is the leading telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh. Grameenphone is the largest cellular operator in the country. It is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor and Grameen Telecom Corporation, a non-profit sister concern of the internationally acclaimed microfinance organization and community development bank Grameen Bank. Telenor, the largest telecommunications company in Norway, owns 62% shares of grameenphone and Grameen Telecom owns the remaining. Grameenphone was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh. It also established the first 24-hour Call Center to support its subscribers. With the slogan Stay Close, stated goal of Grameenphone is to provide affordable telephony to the entire population of Bangladesh. From the very beginning, Grameenphone placed emphasis on providing good after-sales services. In recent years, the focus has been to provide after-sales within a short distance from where the customers live. There are now more than 600 GP Service Desks across the country covering nearly all upazilla’s of 64 districts. In addition, there are 72 Grameenphone Centers in all the divisional cities and they remain open from 8am-7pm every day including allholidays. GP has generated direct and indirect employment for a large number of people over the years. The company presently has more than 5,000 full and temporary employees. Another 100,000 people are directly dependent on Grameenphone for their livelihood, working for the Grameenphone dealers, retailers, scratch card outlets, suppliers, vendors, contractors and others. There are more detail about Grameenphone Ltd. is given below; VISION: To be a leading provider of telecommunication services all overBangladesh with satisfied customers, shareholder, and enthusiastic employees. MISSION: GrameenPhone Ltd. aims at providing reliable, widespread, convenient mobile and cost effective telephone services to the people in Bangladesh irrespective of where they live. Such services will also help Bangladesh keep pace with other countries including those in South Africa region and reducing her existing disparity in telecom services between urban and rural areas. HISTORY: November 11, 1996: GrameenPhone was offered a cellular license in Bangladesh by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. March 26, 1997: GrameenPhone launched it’s on the Independence Day of Bangladesh. 1998 June: Launched mobile to mobile service (Without PSTN access). 1999 August: Launched first Prepaid Service in the country. 2003 August: Reached One million Subscribers. 003 October: Launched prepaid product with PSTN connectivity. 2004 August: Reached 2 million Subscribers. 2005 April: Reached 3 million Subscribers, Launch of â€Å"djuice†, a youth brand, for the first time in Bangladesh. 2005 August: Reached 4 million subscribers. 2005 September: Launched EDGE and Voice SMS for the first time in Bangladesh. 2005 October: Reached 5 million subscribers. 2006 J anuary: Launch of Business Solutions- segmented offering for the Business Segment, Reached 6 million subscribers. 2006September: Launch of CIC. 2006 November: Celebrated 10million subs in 10 years & launched New Logo, Launch of Health line. 006 December: Launched Smile Prepaid & explore Post-paid, Launch of Bill Pay. 2007 February: Business Solution Re-launched. 2007 April: Djuice Re-launched. 2009: Launch of Bill-pay service. 2010 March: Launched 4 new Prepaid package named â€Å"Apon†, â€Å"Bondhu†, â€Å"Shohoj†and â€Å"Adjusted djuice†with new attractive tariff plans. The company has so far invested more than BDT 10,700 crore (USD 1. 6 billion) to build the network infrastructure since its inception in 1997. It has invested over BDT 3,100 crore (USD 450 million) during the first three quarters of 2007 while BDT 2,100 crore (USD 310 million) was invested in 006 alone. Grameenphone is also one the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed nearly BDT 7000 crore in direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years. Of this amount, over BDT 2000 crore was paid in 2006 alone. Since its inception in March 1997, Grameenphone has built the largest cellular network in the country with over 10,000 base stations in more than 5700 locations. Presently, nearly 98 percent of the country's population is within the coverage area of the Grameenphone network. Grameenphone was also the first operator to introduce the pre-paid service in September 1999. It established the first 24-hour Call Center, introduced value-added services such as VMS, SMS, fax and data transmission services, international roaming service, WAP, SMS-based push-pull services, EDGE, personal ring back tone and many other products and services. The entire Grameenphone network is also EDGE/GPRS enabled, allowing access to high-speed Internet and data services from anywhere within the coverage area. There are currently nearly 3 million EDGE/GPRS users in the Grameenphone network. Grameenphone nearly doubled its subscriber base during the initial years while the growth was much faster during the later years. It ended the inaugural year with 18,000 customers, 30,000 by the end of 1998, 60,000 in 1999, 193,000 in 2000, 471,000 in 2001, 775,000 in 2002, 1. 16 million in 2003, 2. 4 million in 2004, 5. 5 million in 2005, 11. 3 million in 2006, and it ended 2007 with 16. 5 million customers. From the very beginning, Grameenphone placed emphasis on providing good after-sales services. In recent years, the focus has been to provide after-sales within a short distance from where the customers live. There are now more than 600 GP Service Desks across the country covering nearly all upazilla’s of 64 districts. In addition, there are 72 Grameenphone Centers in all the divisional cities and they remain open from 8am-7pm every day including allholidays. GP has generated direct and indirect employment for a large number of people over the years. The company presently has more than 5,000 full and temporary employees. Another 100,000 people are directly dependent on Grameenphone for their livelihood, working for the Grameenphone dealers, retailers, scratch card outlets, suppliers, vendors, contractors and others. In addition, the Village Phone Program, also started in 1997, provides a good income-earning opportunity to more than 210,000 mostly women Village Phone operators living in rural areas. The Village Phone Program is a unique initiative to provide universal access to telecommunications service in remote, rural areas. Administered by Grameen Telecom Corporation, it enables rural people who normally cannot afford to own a telephone to avail the service while providing the VP operators an opportunity to earn a living. The Village Phone initiative was given the â€Å"GSM in the Community†award at the global GSM Congress held in Cannes, France in February 2000. Grameenphone was also adjudged the Best Joint Venture Enterprise of the Year at the Bangladesh Business Awards in 2002. Grameenphone was presented with the GSM Association's Global Mobile Award for ‘Best use of Mobile for Social and Economic Development' at the 3GSM World Congress held in Singapore, in October 2006, for its Community Information Center (CIC) project, and for its Health Line Service project at the 3GSM World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain, in February 2007. Grameenphone considers its employees to be one of its most important assets. GP has an extensive employee benefit scheme in place including Gratuity, Provident Fund, Group Insurance, Family Health Insurance, Transportation Facility, Day Care Centre, Children's Education Support, and Higher Education Support for employees, in-house medical support and other initiatives. CURRENT OFFERINGS: Prepaid Price pans: Grameenphone Ltd. announced a new range of price plans that is expected to bring greater simplicity in the pre-paid category. The company has also revealed a new price plan for its djuice product as well. The three prices packages – Shohoj, Aapon, Bondhu, along with djuice – have been developed for pre-paid subscribers and offers interchange ability and easy migration. The Shohoj package will cater to users who need to call all networks and offers callers a low, flat rate of BDT 0. 79 per minute to any operator number. Shohoj users will also have the option to SMS any number at BDT 1 per SMS. The Aapon package has been designed for callers who have a predominately Grameenphone calling base. Aapon offers a special day time tariff and night time tariff (12pm-4pm and 12am-8am respectively) of 49 paisa per minute. Aapon users can also call three FnF numbers (Grameenphone numbers only) at 49 paisa per minute any time, and send SMS to the FnF numbers at BDT 0. 50 paisa per SMS. Aapon users will also have the option to SMS any number (GP and other operator) at BDT 1 per SMS. The Bondhu package is for users whose calls are usually limited to a tight FnF circle. This package offers the highest number of FnFs and users can call seven FnF numbers at 49 paisa per minute any time. With Bondhu package, calls to all other numbers (Other than the seven FnFs) are BDT 0. 99 per minute. SMS rates are BDT 0. 50 per SMS to GP numbers and BDT 1 to other operator numbers. Djuice retains its youth focus where there is big interest in community tariffs and special night time tariffs. What’s new is that any Grameenphone pre-paid customer can opt for djuice, or vice versa. Notably a regular migration fee of BDT 10 will be charged for migration to or from all packages after 13 April 2010. Post-paid price plans: With the new xplore post-paid, discover the pleasure of doing much more. Packed with a treasure of new features and facilities it keeps you in touch with your loved ones and gives you access to unlimited information and entertainment. xplore post-paid sets you free! Grameenphone Internet: Internet is the most convenient medium of information, through which people can enhance their knowledge, spread the same from one corner of the globe to whichever place they wish with a single click. Communication solutions developed by Grameenphone across all the media have always focused one single thing – to help people stay close to their dear ones and to enlighten heir lives through free and flawless access to information. Grameenphone internet is another step towards fulfilling this goal. With this step, Grameenphone promises to enlighten the lives of 20 million people by providing easier and faster access to information than ever before. Grameenphone so far brought Internet to people in the following ways: 1) Desktop and Laptop browsing: by using the mobile as modem or by internet modem 2) Mobile screen browsing: WAP/internet browsing on the mobile. 3) CIC: More than 550 CICs all over the country for those who do not have access to PC or other facilities. Grameenphone is looking to expand further into the digital world by expanding its internet platforms and developing more internet related products, thus becoming the biggest Internet Service Provider of Bangladesh. Package 1 (P1) is a pay-as-you-go offer. It is available for both prepaid and post-paid subscribers. For every kilobyte (KB) of data browsed, subscribers are charged Tk. 0. 02 (excluding VAT). Package 2 (P2) is available for post-paid subscribers only. Existing P2 prepaid subscribers will continue to enjoy this service unless they cancel the service willingly or fail to renew the service on time due to insufficient balance. Once P2 is deactivated from any existing P2 prepaid subscriber after 31st July 2009 due to insufficient balance or cancellation by the user, it will not be available for that user anymore Package 3 (P3) is for postpaid subscribers. Subscribers can enjoy the service from 12:00AM-8:00AM and monthly charge is BDT 300 (excluding VAT). From 8:01AM-11:59PM, subscriber can enjoy pay-as-you-go offer like P1. Package 4 (P4) is for prepaid subscribers. Subscribers can enjoy the service from 12:00AM – 11:59PM (within a day) with 150MB data usage limit in a day and daily charge is BDT 60 (excluding VAT). From 12:00 AM of the next day, pay-as-you-go (P1) charges will be applicable. Package 5 (P5) is an internet offer of 3 GB per month @ BDT 700+VAT. The package has a life time of 30 days (from the date of activation). After expiration of the specified volume or the life time of the package whichever finishes first, P1 (BDT 0. 02/KB) charge will be applicable. Package 6(P6) is an internet offer of 1 GB per [email protected] BDT 300+VAT. The package has a life time of 30 days (from the date of activation). After expiration of the specified volume or the life time of the package whichever finishes first, P1 (BDT 0. 2/KB) charge will be applicable. Grameenphone Internet modem For the first time, Grameenphone is offering branded Internet modem (USB EDGE Modem) for its subscribers. This modem: Is Sleek & Smart Looking Supports GSM 900/1800 Is Plug & Play [Windows 2000, XP, Vista & Mac OS] Has default GP configuration / settings Provides Customized Dashboard including GP Logo Has SMS serv ices & Phonebook Option Provides daily, monthly & yearly usage data Has very easy SIM Insertion Method Has one year full warranty & after sales service Mobitaka Grameenphone brings yet another technological marvel- Mobitaka Ticketing! With Mobitaka Ticketing service, you can buy Intercity Train tickets in advance from your own mobile phone! You don’t need to stand in the long queues, overcome lots of hassles to collect a railway ticket. You can sit at the comfort of your own home and stop worrying about collecting train ticket for you upcoming journey. We want you to stay close to your dear ones and hence Mobitaka ticketing is for you. Value Added Services You can use your mobile phone for many other purposes than making voice alls. With GrameenPhone’s VAS, you can use your mobile phone to: Send and receive text messages, picture messages, voice messages Download ring tones, logos, wallpapers Obtain news updates, cricket score updates Browse the Internet and also send and receive e-mails Transfer data and send fax Participate in competitions and vote for your opinions You will be able to use all these services whenever you need them, wherever you are. All you need is to have a GP mobile phone to get these services. Messaging Services Information Alerts Data Transfer Fax Entertainment Services Browsing the Internet Send and receive e-mails Download Contents Customize Your Handset Participate in Competitions Vote your Opinions Services are: Studyline Music Radio Call Block Service Miss Call Alert Bill pay Stock information Instant messaging Cricket Update Cell Bazaar Web SMS Mobile Backup etc. International Roaming In March 1999, Grameenphone introduced this premium service for the first time in Bangladesh and now provides International Roaming service to its own subscribers traveling abroad as well as to foreign operators’ subscribers traveling in Bangladesh. For the first time in Bangladesh in July 2006, Grameenphone launched Roaming Services (both GSM and EDGE/GPRS) with CAMEL Phase II for Pre-paid In-bound subscribers. Grameenphone has unique ‘One to One’ relationship with all its International Roaming partner operators. As of May 2009, Grameenphone has 357 GSM partner operators in 120 countries in 6 continents and 137 EDGE/GPRS partner operators in 55 countries. ? GRAMEENPHONE HR PRACTICES: Grameenphone Human Resource system is one of the best systems in Bangladesh. The strategy of Human Resource Division is followed from Telenor strategy. HR is a Critical Enabler for Telenor in the Pursuit of its Strategic Goals. HR is a key to ensuring an Organization that provides a competitive advantage by being simple, aligned and efficient. A Culture centred on the customer and characterized by diversity, generosity and an international mind-set. Leaders, Who have a passion for business, excel at empowering people and never compromise on Telenor's ethical standards People, Who perform at the peak of their ability because they feel a sense of mission, accomplishment and growth. Corporate HR Corporate HR is responsible for global HR support and processes, and is organized as follows: Organization and Leadership Capabilities: Strategic responsibility for IVC (Internal Value Creation – Employee survey) and TLDP (Telenor Leadership Development Process). Global HR Development Compensation and benefits Employee Role Local HR Local HR departments serve managers and other employees with Human Resources and organizational development related topics. They are also in charge of the implementation and follow up of processes like IVC (Internal Value Creation – Employee survey) and TLDP (Telenor Leadership Development Process). HR Services HR Services is a resource centre for personnel administrative services in Telenor for the Nordic region. Internal Value Creation (IVC) Internal value Creation or IVC is a tool for creating value internally to all the employees of the organization. For better motivation and maximum effort from all the employees this tool helps a lot for achieving the vision. The purpose of the IVC Grameenphone vision Is â€Å"We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of communication services In their daily lives. †The key to achieve this vision ? a mind-set where each and every one of them works together. The IVC process offers them not only an opportunity to assess their progress in working towards this vision, but also to carry out actions that will improve their people and organization In order to meet future challenges and Implement the strategies. This is required from the Manager in this process Inform the employees before the survey and encourage participation. Pr esent the survey findings to them. Develop an action plan together with them. Implement, follow up and report on the actions. Communicate and celebrate results. HR operations: Preparing and providing circulars for internal and external recruitment Arranging hiring and selection process Recruiting employees Joining procedures Providing salary information’s Providing benefits and compensations Leave management Performance appraisal & evaluation Allocating resources including humans resources Handle employee separation process Arranging Training programs Arranging motivational and refreshing programs for the employees etc. LATEST STRATEGIC HR APPROACH: Very recently Grameenphone internally has launched a new approach to motivate the employees as Grameenphone always believes that internal customers should be satisfied first in order to make the external customers satisfied. As Grameenphone declared these year as EDGE year and all their concentration is on EDGE they are offering 10% commission on each EDGE package selling by the employees of Grameenphone and also in the last month there was another motivational offer for employees and that was the best EDGE seller will get BDT 100,000, second best seller BDT 60,000 and the third one was BDT 40,000. So employees are feeling motivated and trying to sale more in order to get those benefits and their satisfaction rate is going higher. And internal surveys says that Consumer Satisfaction Index of Grameenphone is the highest in Bangladesh these days and its all because of the satisfaction of the employees. Another strategic approach of Grameenphone is SEED which each likely to be idea generation. On this program employees are offered to submit their creative and innovative ideas that can add more values to Grameenphone and the best idea generator person will get BDT 1 million. So Grameenphone is very creative in their strategic HR approaches and they are always one step ahead to everyone in the industry. ? Literature Review During the formulation of human resource strategies organizations must consider their internal and external realistic factors. When realities change successful HR do have adoption with current realities. Culture is one of the fundamental factors of organizations internal realities. Survey can be conducted to know about the existing culture. There are some topics that should be included in the questionnaire like performance, information and resources, operational philosophy, and human resource. Here performance is all about meeting the organizational goal, customer satisfaction, results regarding short term and long term. Information and resources includes their management system and allocation of resources. Operational philosophy is about relation between culture value and risk taking, types of management whether it is leadership or close control. Human resources include the perception of employees as a cost of assets. It is important to clarify and communicate the organizations vision or mission that it is widely understood. It is needed to check out the current realities to make ensure the vision or mission is still viable or not. Strategies have to be formulated to fit and support the culture. Human resource strategy consists of interrelated functional strategies. The functional components are selection and staffing, organization and human resource development, and reward. The utility and software firm has different human strategy that is required to meet their needs. They have different strategy regarding their staffing policy, development, rewards, and design. The utility should concern about increased sensitivity and satisfying customer needs, increased the factors that will give benefit the total organization, emphasis on cost management, increased application of employees’ potential value. On the other hand software firm critical needs are more delegation by manager, more recognition of support functions, better creation and communication of long range plans, according equal weight to overall organizational performance and product or unit performance. There are some organizations with poorly defined or fragmented culture. There were created some conflicts between the information systems function, the customer service function and the more mainstream functions related to production and delivery of primary service. Cultural assessment was needed to determine the key points of difference between senior management’s desired culture and the culture desired by people in the functional business was beneficial. The utility and the software firm no one has dysfunctional culture. Some organizations have significant misalignments of culture which is very large gaps between what the culture is and what people feel it should be. INSTRUMENT DESIGING (Questionnaire) Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is part of the four perspectives of a Balanced Scorecard. Organizations need to retain existing customers while targeting non-customers. Measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the organization is at providing products and/or services to the marketplace. In Grameenphone customer satisfaction is there number one motto. They are inconsiderable regarding this matter of customer satisfaction. Retention Management Retention management is a systematic process of retaining employees. In our questionnaire we have included several questions related to the effectiveness of Retention management in Grameen Phone Bangladesh Ltd. We have included dimensions like flexible work hours, training and development opportunity, and friendly work environment to find out how important these are to the employees as managers use these criteria frequently to stop employees from leaving the company. Adequate help from the superiors, salary well above market rate are also important for employee retention. . Your organization helps you with your performance problems. 2. The work schedules are flexible. 3. My organization offers well –above- market wage. 4. Ample training and development opportunity is offered. 5. The company has a friendly work environment. Communication: Communication is the best way behind the development of a particular company. Its justified whether the customers are sa tisfied through the service or not. As we all know that the service of Grameen Phone is the best service so far in our country that we exemplified most often. They focused on the customer as well as the communication with them so that they can aware about the problems of the customers. This is a two way communication process. In our questionnaire we have included so many topics like its help to achieve company’s mission and vision. To bring the effectiveness in the organization both the horizontal and vertical communication process is important. Internal communication should be focused more. 1. You believe communication process will strengthen the mission or vision of the company? 2. Your organization allows both horizontal and vertical communication process effectively. 3. Do you think healthy internal communication process will leads to employee satisfaction. 4. Do you believe healthy internal communication will emphasis on doing what will benefit the entire organization? 5. Do you believe all necessary information and resources should be communicated widely and completely inside the organization. Staffing and development: Staffing means the whole recruitment process of the employees. From the very beginning of selecting the employees is very important for a particular organization. Here in Grameen Phone they have followed a specific and very organized process of staffing employees. Development is a certain process of improving employees’ skills and abilities that are needed for the organization in future consequences. Very selected employees who have proved themselves beneficial for the organization in the long run got the opportunity to develop themselves through this process. Here we indicate some questions like employees are satisfied of their staffing and development process or not. Staffing process should be fair for all the employees. Empowerment is exists in the organization or not we also have included the question in our survey. And so on. 1. You believe fair staffing and development procedure leads to employee satisfaction. 2. You believe your organization follows fair staffing and development procedure. 3. Your organization allows internal staffing and development procedure. 4. Your organization believes in providing empowerment. 5. Your organization believes staffing process as an investment. Flexibility in job structure: Here flexibility means that the job structures are changeable. With the demand of the time and the employees’ capabilities the job design can be changed. In Grameen Phone it’s not practiced that much but for the better survey we have asked the questions regarding this issue that flexible work system is good for employees’ performance. It creates a healthy relation between the manager and the subordinates. Likewise some other important question on this topic. 1. You believe flexible structure with defined roles that are change frequently will allow the organization to perform best in the future. 2. Flexible job structure allows managers to delegate tasks to subordinates. 3. Flexibility in job structure is helpful for better creation and communication of long range plans. 4. Flexible job structure ensures more accountability towards the job. 5. Because of flexible job structure employees achieved enough skills which will be helpful to face any stress situation. Internal Philosophy: Internal philosophy states about what are the different steps are the company willing to initiate for the betterment of the employee base. Grameen Phone cares about its existing employee base and ensures safety for its employees. Because of the international company most of the decisions usually prepared in the abroad and in Bangladesh employees hardly get opportunity to participate in decision making procedure. Grammen Phone ensures equal treatment for its entire employee base and obviously try to match the responsibility and autonomy for in every level of employment. 1. Your organizational culture values balanced risk taking or safety at all cost. 2. Your organization culture follows participation in decision making. 3. You believe managers should concern about overall results rather than care only about their own units. 4. Your organizational ensures perfect match between autonomy and job responsibility. 5. Your organization ensures equal justice for all level of employees. Performance management: A specific guideline is very important to the employees to perform their jobs. This is also an important aspect of orientation method and evaluation system. If the employees find any inconsistency within this structure they grow resentment towards the management which gradually leads to voluntary turnover. Thus we included this dimension to find out how the employees of this particular company perceive the company’s outline for performance management and how effective it is to retain the employees. 1. Your organization has an effective and well structured performance management and evaluation system. . Assistance and continuous feed-back is given on a continuous basis 3. Managers who use this management system have proper education and training to use it. 4. Performance and evaluation result are documented for future reference. 5. Your organization provides extra incentives for best performance. ? Findings and Analysis DATA INTERPRETATION Mean: A parameter refers to a specific population characteristics and a statistic refers to a sample characteristics. Measures of average value of every responses of a particular value are usually computed from sample data through mean function. This enabled us to see the relative responses of a certain dimension Regression (R2 AND AUXILIARY R2 to find out MULTICOLINEARITY): Regression analysis discusses the linear relationship in terms of dependency of one on the other. It provides us a statistical technique for obtaining the line that best fits the data points. R square: R square measures the proportion of variation in a model which is explained by the repressors jointly. This quantity varies from 0 to 1. The higher values indicate a better regression. Actually R square is the percentage explained variability. R bar square: R square of individual regressor. Multicollinearity: In a regression model if one regressor changes are associated with changes in other regressors then the problem of multicollinearity arises. In a regression model two or more independent variables are perfectly collinear if one or more of the variables can be expressed as a linear combination of the other variables. Discussion about Reliability & Factor analysis: Reliability of measurement refers to the stability of measurement of sample data/attribute. This is of concern both within a single time period in which the attribute is being measured and between time periods. By factor analysis we reduce those questions which are found to be unreliable. Correlation: A strong linear relationship is defined as a condition where the individual observation points are close to a straight line. Correlation coefficient provides a measure of the strength of the linear relationship between two random variables. A correlation of 0 indicates that there is no linear relationship between the two random variables. ANOVA (F-VALUE): ANOVA: ANOVA is the analysis of variance which is concerned with analysis the effect of one or more factors on the experiment units. CORRELATION Correlation shows whether positive or negative relationship exists between one independent and one dependent variable. If relationship exists Correlation Table helps us to find out whether the relationship is significant or not. A significant relationship between a dependent and an independent variable suggests that to predict dependent variable that independent variable in the regression model. From this table of correlation we find that Our 1st dependent variable Retention management is correlated with independent variables Communication, Staffing and Development, Flexibility in job structure, internal Philosophy and Performance Management. Our 2nd dependent variable Customer Satisfaction correlated with independent variables Communication, Staffing and Development, Flexibility in job structure, internal Philosophy and Performance Management. 1. CM (Communication) VS CSM (Customer satisfaction) Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between communication vs customer satisfaction is showing a double star. It signifies that the correlation is very significant at 0. 01 levels. Ensuring effective communication is very important factor for having satisfied customer base because through this factor the management and HR people can know the requirements of the customers and what the expectations of the customers from the company are. 2. CM ( Communication) VS RMM ( Retention Management) Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between communication vs Retention management is showing a Single star. It signifies that the correlation is very significant at 0. 05 levels. If the company can ensure effective communication method inside the organization, it allows the company to retain its current employee base. 3. SDM (Staffing & Development) VS CSM (Customer satisfaction). Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between Staffing and development vs customer satisfaction is showing a double star. It signifies that the correlation is very significant at 0. 01 levels. If the company follows the fair and clear staffing and development procedure, help the company to acquire loyal employee base and thus loyal employee base help to attain customer satisfaction. . SDM (Staffing & Development) VS RMM (Retention Management) Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between staffing and development vs retention management is showing a double star. It signifies that the correlation is very significant at 0. 01 levels. Fair staffing and development process of the company helps to retain its current employee base because the employee holds a positive perception regarding the company selection and employee development process. 5. FM (Flexibility in job structure) VS CSM (Customer Satisfaction) Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between Flexibility in job structure vs customer satisfaction is showing a double star. It signifies that the correlation is very significant at 0. 01 levels. Flexibility in job structure boost employee satisfaction and in the end it helps to increase customer satisfaction. We are saying that because if an employee gets enough flexibility to perform a task then he/she would try to perform that task very efficiently and effectively and which leads to ensure satisfied customer base. 6. FM (Flexibility in job structure) VS RMM (Retention Management) Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between Flexibility in job structure vs Retention management is not significant. 7. IPM (Internal Philosophy) VS CSM (Customer Satisfaction) Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between internal philosophy vs Customer Satisfaction is showing a double star. It signifies that the correlation is very significant at 0. 01 levels. It is very true that if a company has a healthy internal philosophy it obviously ensures satisfied customer base. Company having a healthy internal philosophy would try to know the desire of different customer base and obviously try to act according to that policy. Healthy internal philosophy ensures a healthy relationship among all the divisions of the company and all the division work together to satisfy its customer and as well try to attract new customer to enhance growth. 8. IPM (Internal Philosophy) VS RMM (Retention Management) Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between internal philosophy vs Retention Management is showing a double star. It signifies that the correlation is very significant at 0. 01 levels. It is true that internal philosophy of a company helps to retain current employee. If the philosophy of the company is employee centered, it helps to retain the employee because they found that company is really caring about themselves. It helps the HR department of the company to view the employee as an investment rather than a cost. 9. PMM (Performance Management) VS CSM (Customer Satisfaction) Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between Performance management vs Customer Satisfaction is showing a double star. It signifies that the correlation is very significant at 0. 01 levels. If the company follows performance management effectively, it leads to ensure customer satisfaction. If the company has well structured performance measurement and evaluation system, it can judge effectively what the current performance to satisfy customer base is and what should be the real scenario of this procedure. If the company provides extra incentives for the outstanding performance, it increase employee motivation towards work and ultimately it leads to customer satisfaction. 10. PMM (Performance Management) VS RMM (Retention Management) Relationship with Literature review: The correlation between Performance management vs retention management is showing a double star. It signifies that the correlation is very significant at 0. 01 levels. If the company can able to manage the performance of the employee base effectively it would be helpful for the company to retain customer base because the perception of employees would be positive regarding the company at this point. ? LINEAR REGRESSION: Data Interpretation: 1. Customer satisfaction VS Communication Model Summary ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate 1. 373(a). 139. 124. 44333 a Predictors: (Constant), CM When comparing Customer satisfaction with Communication we analyzed the data in the following way: We set the null hypothesis Ho = There is no relation between customer satisfaction and communication. And the alternative hypothesis H1= There is strong relation between customer satisfaction and communication. Decision Rule: We all know that Reject null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Accept null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Therefore, we found that. = 9. 361 Significant Value = . 003a (9. 361) ; Significant Value (. 003a) So, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, all the explanatory variables are significant predictors of customer satisfaction and communication. And it is supported by the fact that R square value is 0. 139 which is almost equal to 0. 14. That means there is a strong relationship between these two predictors. Relationship with Literature review: Ensuring effective communication is very important factor for having satisfied customer base because through this factor the management and HR people can know the requirements of the customers and what the expections of the customers from the company are. So it helps the company to devise a plan to satisfy those needs of customers effectively. 2. Customer satisfaction VS Flexibility in job structure. Model Summary ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate 1. 393(a). 154. 140. 43935 a Predictors: (Constant), FM When comparing Customer satisfaction with flexibility in job structure we analyzed the data in the following way: We set the null hypothesis Ho = There is no relation between customer satisfaction and flexibility in job structure. And the alternative hypothesis H1= There is strong relation between customer satisfaction and flexibility in job structure. ? Decision Rule: We all know that Reject null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Accept null hypothesis if lt; Significant Value Therefore, we found that. = 10. 588 Significant Value = . 002a (9. 361) ; Significant Value (. 002a) So, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, all the explanatory variables are significant predictors of customer satisfaction and communication. And it is supported by the fact that R square value is 0. 154 which is almost equal to 0. 15. That means there is a strong relationship betwe en these two predictors. Relationship with Literature review: Flexibility in job structure boost employee satisfaction and in the end it helps to increase customer satisfaction. We are saying that because if an employee gets enough flexibility to perform a task then he/she would try to perform that task very efficiently and effectively and which leads to ensure satisfied customer base. 3. Customer satisfaction VS internal Philosophy: Model Summary ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate 1. 341(a). 116. 101. 44920 a Predictors: (Constant), IPM When comparing Customer satisfaction with internal Philosophy we analyzed the data in the following way: We set the null hypothesis Ho = There is no relation between customer satisfaction and internal philosophy. And the alternative hypothesis H1= There is strong relation between customer satisfaction and internal philosophy. Decision Rule: We all know that Reject null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Accept null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Therefore, we found that. = 7. 612 Significant Value = . 008a (7. 612) ; Significant Value (. 008a) So, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, all the explanatory variables are significant predictors of customer satisfaction and internal Philosophy. And it is supported by the fact that R square value is 0. 116 which is almost equal to 0. 12. That means there is a strong relationship between these two predictors. Relationship with Literature review: It is very true that if a company has a healthy internal philosophy it obviously ensures satisfied customer base. Company having a healthy internal philosophy would try to know the desire of different customer base and obviously try to act according to that policy. Healthy internal philosophy ensures a healthy relationship among all the divisions of the company and all the division work together to satisfy its customer and as well try to attract new customer to enhance growth. 4. Customer satisfaction VS Performance management. When comparing Customer satisfaction with Performance management we analyzed the data in the following way: We set the null hypothesis Ho = There is no relation between customer satisfaction and performance management. And the alternative hypothesis H1= There is strong relation between customer satisfaction and performance management. Decision Rule: We all know that Reject null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Accept null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Therefore, we found that. = 46. 228 Significant Value = . 000a (46. 228) ; Significant Value (. 000a) So, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, all the explanatory variables are significant predictors of customer satisfaction and performance management. And it is supported by the fact that R square value is 0. 444 which is almost equal to 0. 45. That means there is a strong relationship between these two predictors. Relationship with Literature review: If the company follows performance management effectively, it leads to ensure customer satisfaction. If the company has well structured performance measurement and evaluation system, it can judge effectively what the current performance to satisfy customer base is and what should be the real scenario of this procedure. If the company provides extra incentives for the outstanding performance, it increase employee motivation towards work and ultimately it leads to customer satisfaction. 5. Customer satisfaction VS Staffing and development. When comparing Customer satisfaction with Staffing and development we analyzed the data in the following way: We set the null hypothesis Ho = There is no relation between customer satisfaction and Staffing and development. And the alternative hypothesis H1= There is strong relation between customer satisfaction and Staffing and development. Decision Rule: We all know that Reject null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Accept null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Therefore, we found that. = 30. 668 Significant Value = . 000a (30. 668) ; Significant Value (. 000a) So, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, all the explanatory variables are significant predictors of customer satisfaction and Staffing and development. And it is supported by the fact that R square value is 0. 346 which is almost equal to 0. 35. That means there is a strong relationship between these two predictors. Relationship with Literature review: If the company devoted to hire best employee base and also nurses them effectively, getting satisfied customer is obvious. Company should be concerned about hiring the best people to maintain the harmonious culture of the company as well who can work their best to attain company goals and objectives. If the company has an objective to ensure market growth then the company has to hire and promote those employees further who can able to attract customers attention effectively because if customers are satisfied with the performance of the company, they could play a vital role to ensure further growth for the company. . Retention management VS Communication When comparing Retention management with Communication we analyzed the data in the following way: We set the null hypothesis Ho = There is no relation between Retention management and Communication. And the alternative hypothesis H1= There is strong relation between Retention management and Communication. Decision Rule: We all know th at Reject null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Accept null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Therefore, we found that. = 5. 42 Significant Value = . 023a (5. 42) ; Significant Value (. 023a) So, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, all the explanatory variables are significant predictors of retention management and communication. And it is supported by the fact that R square value is 0. 086 which is almost equal to 0. 09. That means there is a low relationship between these two predictors. Relationship with Literature review: From the analysis it has been found that though the findings (relationship vs retention management and communication) are significant, but it is not strongly significant. From the value of R square we came to know that there is a low relationship exists between these two predictors. Most of the time proper communication process among the employee do not ensures the employee retention. There are some other predictors related with this issue which are also required for ensuring retention management process. ? 7. Retention management VS Flexibility in job structure. When comparing Retention management with Flexibility in job structure we analyzed the data in the following way: We set the null hypothesis Ho = There is no relation between Retention management and Flexibility in job structure. And the alternative hypothesis H1= There is strong relation between Retention management and Flexibility in job structure. Decision Rule: We all know that Reject null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Accept null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Therefore, we found that. = 1. 663 Significant Value = . 202a (1. 663) ; Significant Value (. 202a) So, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, all the explanatory variables are significant predictors of retention management and Flexibility in job structure. And it is supported by the fact that R square value is 0. 028 which is almost equal to 0. 03. That means there is a strong relationship between these two predictors. Relationship with Literature review: It is not a denying issue that if a company follow flexible job structure for its employee base it can able to retain its current employee base compare to the other company which does not follow the flexible job structure method. Flexible job structure enables employee to get more experience and allows using those experience to handle any stress situation which could come. Moreover flexible job structure allows more accountability towards the job because flexibility allows the employee to view the company as a whole and motivated to ensure best performance for the company. 8. Retention management VS Internal Philosophy. When comparing Retention management with internal philosophy we analyzed the data in the following way: We set the null hypothesis Ho = There is no relation between Retention management and internal philosophy. And the alternative hypothesis H1= There is strong relation between Retention management and internal philosophy. Decision Rule: We all know that Reject null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Accept null hypothesis if ; Significant Value Therefore, we found that. = 32. 234 Significant Value = . 000a (32. 234) ; Significant Value (. 00a) So, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, all the explanatory variables are significant predictors of retention management and internal philosophy. And it is supported by the fact th
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